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Daily English

06/13) Monkeypox

by Sinclair R. 2022. 6. 13.

Topic: Monkeypox outbreaks: 4 key questions researchers have

Sentence Construction:
X Between the sentence I cannot heard. >> The line is breaking up. 
X  Now I'm hesitate the make a cancel or not this exam. >> Now I have hesitations to cancel this exam. 
X Nowadays, I don't want to do study. >> Nowadays, I don't want to study. 
X Honestly, when I call my bf also have a problem. >> Honestly, I also had a problem with the connection when call my bf. 
X I think is my cellphone matter. >> I think it's my phone that has a problem. 
X I'm sorry for cause this situation. >> I'm  for causing a problem. / I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. 

Good Sentences:
O Some states have specific travel restrictions in place. 
O What's your stance on wages?
O Self-isolation for inbound travellers was rebooked on 22 August. 
O She talks a mile a minute and it was hard to follow. 
O Bad news travel fast, even though I didn't know a bad news, people around me already new my bad news. 
O The last time I took a red-eye flight was 3 years ago. 

* decisively /dih-sahy-siv-lee/
* epidemiologist /ep-i-dee-mee-ol-uh-jeest/
* sequenced /see-kwuhnst/
* genome /jee-nohm/
* resembles /ri-zem-buhls/
* allergy /al-er-jee/
* virologist /vahy-rol-uh-jist/
* hypothesis /hahy-poth-uh-sis/
* physician /fi-zish-uhn/

Build Lexicon:

* genome :=(n) the complete set of genes in a cell or living thing
  • Human Genome Sciences gained boosted shares of other biotechnology companies, many of which are based in southern Maryland.
  • A paper just published in Genome Biology suggests that the sceptics might be right, after all.
* smattering := (n) a small amount of something, especially knowledge of a language
  • He only has a smattering of French.
  • The book also features recipes for a handful of roasted meats and vegetables, salads and a smattering of cakes and tarts.
* enormous := (adj.) extremely large
  • Their house is absolutely enormous!
  • Today, China's wealth has created an enormous boom in domestic demand.

Discover Idioms & Expressions: 

* Toe the line := to conform to a rule or standard, or to stand poised at the starting line in a footrace.  
  • Under Trump, coronavirus scientists can speak as long as they toe the line.
  • It uses threats, smear campaigns and violent attacks to force them to toe the line.
* Barking up the wrong tree := look in the wrong place or accuse the wrong person.
  • China says U.S. COVID-19 excuses are barking up the wrong tree.
  • I post online about feminism (90% of my followers are men) and people are like, ‘you’re barking up the wrong tree’.
* Break loose := suddenly become loose, suddenly stop being attached to something, get away from someone or something by using force or effort.
  • A novel coronavirus is breaking loose.
  • The mouse struggles hard to break loose from the grip.

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