Topic: Why Do We Find It So Hard to Ask for Help?
Sentence Construction:
X From yesterday I started to a new gym. >> Since yesterday, I enrolled in a new gym center.
X My new gym is nearby my neighborhood. >> The new gym is located in my neighborhood.
X I need to time adjusting. >> I need time for adjustments.
X The end of the contest is alarm. She has to gun it. >> The contest is about to end so she has to gun it.
X This coercive practices are just more serious concern in recent policy government. >> These coercive practices are just a more serious concern in recent government policy.
X Times warmer wants CNN which is Trump is a running battle with. >> The Times warmer wants CNN, which Trump is in a running battle with.
Good Sentences:
O At this time, the consequences of brinkmanship and delay could be a severe case.
O The substantive branches of mathematics are treated in several articles.
* collapse /kuh-laps/
* efficacy /ef-i-kuh-see/
* coercive /koh-ur-siv/
* vulnerability /vuhl-ner-uh-bil-i-tee/
* invaluable /in-val-yoo-uh-buhl/
* pleasure /plezh-er/
* specific /spi-sif-ik/
Build Lexicon:
* reciprocate := (v) respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.
- The favor was reciprocated.
- After all, if a customer greets you in person with a friendly smile, you reciprocate.
* tremendous := (adj) very great in amount, scale, or intensity.
- The crew did a tremendous job.
- We have tremendous power.
* vague := (adj) of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
- Many patients suffer vague symptoms.
- What does it mean to say that an identity is vague or indeterminate?
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* turn over a new leaf := to change the way you behave and become a better person.
- Billy decided to turn over a new leaf and stop teasing his younger brother.
- Even if he wanted to turn over a new leaf, his party is irredeemable.
* take it one day at a time := to deal with each day’s problems as they happen, and not worry too much about the distant future.
- Giving up meat can be tough, but take it one day at a time, and you’ll realize you can do it.
- But in the end, I had to adapt to changing circumstances, take it one day at a time, and go with the information I had in front of me.
* get the ball rolling := to start something happening.
- Ms Chen started the ball rolling on our daily class gratitude list by writing a list of 10 things she’s thankful for.
- Eventually, he got the investment he needed to get the ball rolling.
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