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Daily English


by Sinclair R. 2022. 6. 20.

Topic: Footballer unhurt after gunfight during mugging

Sentence Construction:
X Wait for moment. >> Wait for a moment. / Give a second, please. 
X  After all, if all customers greets you in person with a smile, you reciprocate. >> After all, if all customers greet you in person with a smile, you should reciprocate. 
X  But in the end, I have to adapt changing circumstances, take it one day at a time and go with the information I had in front of me. >> But in the end, I have to adapt to changing circumstances, taking it one day at a time and go with the information I have in front of me. 

Good Sentences:
O We have tremendous power. 
O What does it mean to say that an identity is vague and indeterminate. 
O Even if he wanted to turn over a new leaf, the party is illiminable. 
O Eventually, he got what he needed to get the ball rolling. 
O He is recovering in the hospital. 
O He escaped from the mugging situation. 

* policy /pol-uh-see/
* indefinite /in-def-uh-nit/
* mugging /muhg-ing/
* league /leeg/
* adrenaline /uh-dren-leen/
* profile /proh-fahyl/

Build Lexicon:

* accost := (v) approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.
  • The reporters accosted him in the street.
  • At this moment I am not disposed to accost her.
* adrenaline := (n) a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion.
  • Performing live really gets your adrenaline going.
  • Whenever you feel your adrenaline racing, you have to slow down.
* assault := (v) a physical attack.
  • He pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer.
  • Men earning less than $25,000 a year were more likely to report sexual assault.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* cat burglar := is a skillful thief who breaks into places without disturbing people or setting off alarms.
  • In the comics, she’s generally been portrayed as a master cat burglar and skilled fighter.
  • Tomic, the unflappable cat burglar, showed almost no signs of concern.
* make out like a bandit := if someone is extremely successful in a venture, they make out like a bandit.
  • She made out like a bandit with all the graduation gifts she got.
  • The bank essentially made out like a bandit because it paid $1 billion and it got $1.1 so it made $100 million just for doing this transaction.
*  a rotten apple := something/someone that is a bad influence on others
  • I’d say we’ve got a rotten apple in our company. Someone has disclosed confidential information to our competitors.
  • Can we not understand that this is a rotten apple even before it joins?

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