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Daily English

06/15) warplanes

by Sinclair R. 2022. 6. 15.

Topic: Why Chinese warplanes are 'playing chicken' with US allies — and why they're doing it now

Sentence Construction:
X I visited city of Busan where book concert was held. >> I visited city of Busan where the book concert was held.
X  That experience was very cherished. >> I cherished that experience. 
X Maybe the last week of June , I will take English exam. >> Maybe in the last week of June , I will take an English exam.
X Today's China wealth has created enormous boom. >> Today's Chinese wealth has created an enormous boom. 

Good Sentences:
O She is my favorite author..
O From this week, I will study hard. 
O A paper just published in genome biology, suggests the skeptics.
O The book also features recipes for a handful of roasted beef, vegetables and a smattering of cakes and fruits. 
O It uses threat and a violent attack to force them to toe the line. 
O I post online about feminism, 90% of my followers are men and people are like, "you are barking up the wrong tree".
O He must struggle hard to break loose for grip.

* spiraling /spahy-ruh-ling/
* bilateral /bahy-lat-er-uhl/
* zone /zohn/
* grammar /gram-er/
* alleged /uh-lej-id/
* reconnaissance /ri-kon-uh-suhns/
* apologize /uh-pol-uh-jahyz/

Build Lexicon: 

* brinkmanship := (n.)  the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.
  • In any game of brinkmanship, it is possible that one side will collapse suddenly.
  • But this time, the consequences of brinkmanship and delay could be even more severe.
* substantive := (adj) having a firm basis in reality and therefore important, meaningful, or considerable.
  • There is no substantive evidence for the efficacy of these drugs.
  • The substantive branches of mathematics are treated in several articles.

* coercive := (adj) relating to or using force or threats.

  • My older brother was very coercive when we were young, threatening to beat me up sometimes.
  • These coercive practices are judged of serious moral concern in recent policy documents.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* gun it := to accelerate or speed up quickly or suddenly.
  • You'll have to gun it if you want to arrive on time dude!
  • The end of the contest is alarmed, she has to gun it.
* in the firing line := they are in a situation where they are likely to be criticized or attacked.
  • It looks like you were in the firing line this time.
  • Free speech, but free speech of a particular kind that keeps gays in the firing line.
* running battle := refers to an argument that continues over a long period of time.
  • As the running battle continued, they found a way to make trouble.
  • Time Warner owns CNN, which Trump is in a running battle with.

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