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Daily English


by Sinclair R. 2022. 6. 21.

Sentence Construction:
X I met my friend and I have a good conversation with them. >>  I met my friend and I had a good conversation with them.
X  My cell phone didn't alarming. >> My cell phone didn't ring. 
X After this calling I will set up again in my new phone. >> After this call I will set it up again on my new phone.
X At this moment, I'm not disposed accost her. >>  At this moment, I don't accost her. 
X This topic is very difficult to me. >> This topic is very difficult for me.
X In these day, Russia's position is very aggressive country in the world. >>  These days, Russia's position is as one of the most aggressive countries in the world. 
X One of my hope is world peace. >> One of my hopes is world peace.

Good Sentences:
O Whenever you feel your adrenaline raising, you have to slow down. 
O Men earning less than $25,000 a year were likely to report sexual assault. 
O Tommy the cat burglar, shows no sign of concern. 
O The bank is essentially made out like a bandit. 
O Can we not understand that this is a rotten apple even before it joins? 

* carbohydrate /kahr-boh-hahy-dreyt/
* exertion /ig-zur-shuhn/
* burglar /bur-gler/
* proximity /prok-sim-i-tee/
* Moscow /mos-koh/
* allies /uh-lahyz/
* bilateral /bahy-lat-er-uhl/
* vicinity /vi-sin-i-tee/
* official /uh-fish-uhl/
* unprecedented /uhn-pres-i-den-tid/

Build Lexicon:

* vicinity := (n.) the area around a particular place.
  • There is no hospital in the immediate vicinity.
  • There are many holiday and convalescent homes in the city and vicinity.
* deconflict := (n.) coordination of flights, maneuvers, etc. between groups especially in areas where overlapping operations are occurring in order to reduce the risk of accidents or incidents. 
  • American officials insist that there is no coordination other than deconfliction, or making sure that their aircraft do not threaten each other.
  • The United States military has had to deconflict airspace with Russian fighter jets in Syria.
* provocation := (n.) action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately.
  • You should remain calm and not respond to provocation.
  • A black man sitting in the White House is a similar provocation.

Discover Idioms & Expressions:

* if you want peace, prepare for war := means that if a country is well armed and is strong, its opponents will be less likely to attack it.
  • The general said that believing in disarmament is not a good idea and added: If you want peace, you must prepare for war.
  • In the middle of his chest was a patch with “If you want peace, prepare for war.”
* shot across the bow := indicates a warning to stop doing something.
  • The way the teacher scolded the kids after class is a shot across the bow.
  • It travelled through the local industry as a revolutionary shot across the bow.
* to take a stab at := means to attempt or try.
  • I know the question is difficult to answer. Yet, I'd like to take a stab at answering it.
  • Instead of bitching about how woke they are, it’s time to take a stab at fixing the mess they’re being left with.

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