Topic: Tidy town
Sentence Construction:
X After I went to my grandmother's funeral break my some routine. >> After I went to my grandmother's funeral I broke my routine.
X I'm listen. >> I'm listening.
X But conditions were so bad, crack and filthy with virus spreading quickly. >> But the conditions were so bad, cracked and filthy with viruses spreading quickly.
X If someone has put you in friend zone and you want that relationship to be more improve don't assume that person will magically know it. >> If someone has put you in a friend zone and you want that relationship to improve, don't assume that person will magically know it.
Good Sentences:
O It is a rigorous mathematical theory and is not problematic philosophically.
O The hostile environment destroys her.
O Can he fix us up?
O It was love at first sight.
* rigorous /rig-er-uhs/
* philosophically /fil-uh-sof-i-kuh-lee/
* conscious /kon-shuhs/
* efficiency /ih-fish-uhn-see/
* startled /stahr-tld/
* materialized /muh-teer-ee-uh-lahyzt/
Build Lexicon:
* mar:= (v.) to damage something or make something less good or successful.
- The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans.
- COVID-19 testing has been marred by woefully slow development, delayed approval, and poor dissemination.
* stash := (v.) to store something in a safe or secret place.
- She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts.
- Keep an emergency stash close to hand.
* protrude := (v.) to stick out from a place or a surface.
- He hung his coat on a nail protruding from the wall.
- Sea lions and fur seals have external ears that protrude from their heads.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* in deep water := means you're in some sort of trouble or in a difficult situation.
- Many families are in deep water because of the mortgage crisis, and some might even lose their homes.
- He appears to be in deep water.
* virgin territory := you can say something is virgin territory if it's never been explored before or never been done before.
- Our company has designed many products for other companies, but producing them and marketing them ourselves is virgin territory for us.
- He sees artificial reality as virgin territory for telling stories and creating new worlds.
* beat around the bush := means that you don't say something directly, usually because you don't want to upset the person you're talking to.
- I had trouble telling Pedro he'd lost his job. I started beating around the bush and talking about one door closing and another door opening.
- If you have a pretty good idea of where your interests lie then why beat around the bush?
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