Student: Sinclair Ahn
Topic: Italy's largest river experiencing drought
Sentence Construction:
X Today and tomorrow is before stormy day so temperature high. >> Today and tomorrow are stormy days so the temperature is high.
X Especially the city that I live now is a famous high temperature in my country. >> The city that I live in now has a famous high temperature in my country.
X My city is sorround by mountains. >> My city is surrounded by mountains.
X Schools are training integrate refugee children who speak no German. >> Schools are training refugee children who speak no German.
X Street typically vibrant with music and tourist. >> Street is typically vibrant with music and tourists.
X The shift from bean counter to revenue owner makes the micro economic lucrative. >> The shift from bean counter to revenue owner makes the micro-economy lucrative.
X They are express that year as a disastrous year. >>They express that year as a disastrous year.
X My boyfriend said to me to worlds hot potato is drough especially Europe. >> My boyfriend said to me that the world's hot potato is in drought, especially in Europe.
X I can see vividly how their problem is drought.
Good Sentences:
O The storm will come to our peninsula.
O Nobody nowadays wins elections by promising to lavish the unemployed with public funds.
O We just want to wake up and smell the coffee.
O It's a bet of the kettle calling the hot black.
* extravagant /ik-strav-uh-guhnt/
* lucrative /loo-kruh-tiv/
* hypocrite /hip-uh-krit/
* rationed /rash-uhnd/
* irrigate /ir-i-geyt/
* unprecedented /uhn-pres-i-den-tid/
* exacerbated /ig-zas-er-bey-tid/
Build Lexicon:
* drought := (n) a period of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops.
Example: Whole communities starved to death during the long drought.
Rice prices have also risen on fears of drought in India.
* swathe := (v) to wrap, bind, or swaddle with bands of some material; wrap up closely or fully.
Example: The storm cut a swathe through the village.
She's beloved by a large swathe of the American public
* unprecedented := (adj) without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled:
Example: The air crash caused an unprecedented number of deaths.
Her death, in a car accident in 1997, was followed by unprecedented expressions of public mourning.
Discover Idioms & Expressions:
* Come rain or shine := This means “whatever happens.” In other words, there is nothing that will stop something from happening or someone from doing something. It can mean that a person regularly does something, never altering his schedule. It could literally refer to the weather (expecting a rainy day); regardless of the weather, some planned event will take place.
Example: He goes to the gym every day, come rain or shine.
It’s hard physical work every day of the year, come rain or shine, in a pungent environment.
Example: For many people, finding a job these days is like waiting for a raindrop in the drought.
She was extremely sick, but we were waiting for a raindrop in the drought.
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